Pole Heels (Exotic) | Mixed Level
Suitable for Beginner and Intermediate levels
Service Description
Bring you Pole skills to the next level by putting new and already known moves into a beautiful combinations in heels, explore magic of dancing to the music, expressing emotions through the movement. Such training format also increases strength and endurance, adds more transitions, floorwork and other elements to your pole technique vocabulary. This class would be suitable for beginner and intermediate levels, including total beginners. It is possible to dance in heels or socks, however, some elements are specific for dancing in shoes and those will be substituted for students practicing without dancing heels. ******* If you wish you get your first pair of heels, we have a short guide for you in our Blog here: https://www.whiteirisdance.com/post/help-which-heels-to-buy Or in our Instagram page here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2VfZ-HLTs6/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Cancellation Policy
IMPORTANT: || Classes || Please note that booked sessions may be cancelled no later than <6h> prior the class. Your purchased class pass ("class credit" from Pay As You Go or Class Card) may be used for another booking in the future. If a booking is not cancelled within stated window, payment is withheld in full and the purchased class credit will <not> be refunded. If there are any changes in your schedule, please, cancel or re-schedule your booking in you profile or contact us to do it for you as soon as possible to offer that space to another person on the waiting list. Thank you for understanding! || Courses || Please note that booked course may be cancelled no later than <48h> prior the start of the first class with the full course cost refund. If a student cannot attend booked course sessions after the starting date, one class out of seven class course may be moved to another date or exchanged for any other available group class. Remaining unattended sessions will <not> be refunded. If there are any changes in your schedule and you are in need of assistance, please, contact us and we will look into possible solutions. Thank you!
John Redmond Street, Shandon, Cork, County Cork T23 Y584, IRL
+353 858196145